9 reviews
After taking in every subject weaved throughout this near perfect documentary on the subject of Marijuana prohibition, the growth of industries built up around this subject has finally shown that it has absolutely no direction other than showing a vacuous intention toward profit and the ease within which people can be controlled.
Whether or not one clings to the traditions or movements of a bygone era when it comes to medicating the sick and dying, the smallest facts one can derive from those presented in the film should, at the very least, produce conclusions that draw back the veil of a mindset that has been artificially accepted as fact over individual free will.
I believe the film shows in great detail how prohibition is not about keeping fingers out of the cookie jar as not to spoil dinner or keeping teeth from rotting, it is about how much the cookies cost someone else.
Whether or not one clings to the traditions or movements of a bygone era when it comes to medicating the sick and dying, the smallest facts one can derive from those presented in the film should, at the very least, produce conclusions that draw back the veil of a mindset that has been artificially accepted as fact over individual free will.
I believe the film shows in great detail how prohibition is not about keeping fingers out of the cookie jar as not to spoil dinner or keeping teeth from rotting, it is about how much the cookies cost someone else.
- vanson-studios
- Jun 10, 2013
- Permalink
Dear Mayor Bloomberg, Recently you made some comments that were not only ignorant, but insensitive and dangerous to the lives of many people who depend on medical marijuana to provide for them a quality of life that pharmaceutical drugs have not been able.
Without giving too much away, ADW2 tells the story of a young Montana family battling what has to be every parent's worst nightmare. After their two-year-old son Cashy Hyde suffering with a brain tumor lies in a coma for 40 days, the hospital staff instructs the Hyde family to make funeral arrangements. In a last desperate attempt to save Cashy's life the Hyde family starts sneaking cannabis oil into their dying son's feeding tube and soon a miracle takes place.
Well Mr. Bloomberg, if Cashy's story doesn't convince you, maybe the federal government that you are so cozy with can. If medical marijuana is such a hoax you should call your buddies in D.C. they didn't get the memo. It seems that the some doctors at the Health & Human Services Dept have held a patent on cannabis for medical purposes since 2003.
ADW2 delves into cutting edge research on medical and nutritional cannabis, highlighting the work of Dr. Robert J. Melamede PhD, Dr Donald Abrams PhD Chief of Hematology-Oncology at San Francisco General Hospital and Dr. William Courtney MD, all of which treat patients medically and nutritionally with cannabis.
The documentary also takes a look at the story of Kristen Peskusky who as a teenager suffered from lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis and many other life-threatening medical ailments some of which were exacerbated by the pharmaceuticals she was taking for her many conditions. After discovering that cannabis not only treated the pain of her ailments but actually cured them she began juicing raw marijuana (which has NO psychoactive or "high" effect.) Today Kristen enjoys a healthier life and her children the doctors told her she could never have.
Mr. Mayor I know from your war on salt, trans-fats and sugar that you are very concerned with health, what if raw marijuana could increase the health of all Americans? Wouldn't you support that if the science show you the evidence? Your resistance to the research showing clear and present benefits to medical marijuana leave me wondering if your interest in denouncing medical marijuana was to discourage the NYS legislature from passing medical marijuana. (Which by the way the Assembly overwhelmingly passed this week.)
In the film Dr. Robert Melamede calls marijuana prohibition "welfare for law enforcement." Your Honor, I start to get the feeling that is true when you compare that with your statement: "drug dealers have families to feed. If they can't sell marijuana, they'll sell something else. And the something else will be something worse. The push to legalize this is wrongheaded."
Sounds to me like legal marijuana may cut into the revenue generating activities of your NYPD "personal army?" Will the NYPD have one less reason to stop and frisk? Will it drive down the tens of thousands of marijuana arrests every year? Maybe its pressure from the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency are they threatening to cut subsidies of the NYPD if you stop enforcing marijuana laws?
I understand you are concerned with recreational marijuana users having an easier time toking up, your own hypocrisy aside; filmmaker Kevin Booth had this to say in response; "I have been investigating the drug war now for ten years, and it never ceases to amaze me that most people only start to care when something bad happens to them or a family member, and by then its usually too late. Allowing the government to dictate what we can or cannot consume shatters the very basis of what our forefathers fought for. I obviously want people to see this new film, but I also want them to know that this is not about getting stoned. We spent over three years compiling this evidence and have boiled it down to 90 minutes in hopes that the average person can at least understand what's really at stake."
Mr. Mayor I hope you will accept my invitation to view the film American Drug War 2: Cannabis Destiny which can give you insight into the cutting edge of medical marijuana research as well as personal stories of people whose lives have been changed for the better by cannabis.
Danny Panzella
Without giving too much away, ADW2 tells the story of a young Montana family battling what has to be every parent's worst nightmare. After their two-year-old son Cashy Hyde suffering with a brain tumor lies in a coma for 40 days, the hospital staff instructs the Hyde family to make funeral arrangements. In a last desperate attempt to save Cashy's life the Hyde family starts sneaking cannabis oil into their dying son's feeding tube and soon a miracle takes place.
Well Mr. Bloomberg, if Cashy's story doesn't convince you, maybe the federal government that you are so cozy with can. If medical marijuana is such a hoax you should call your buddies in D.C. they didn't get the memo. It seems that the some doctors at the Health & Human Services Dept have held a patent on cannabis for medical purposes since 2003.
ADW2 delves into cutting edge research on medical and nutritional cannabis, highlighting the work of Dr. Robert J. Melamede PhD, Dr Donald Abrams PhD Chief of Hematology-Oncology at San Francisco General Hospital and Dr. William Courtney MD, all of which treat patients medically and nutritionally with cannabis.
The documentary also takes a look at the story of Kristen Peskusky who as a teenager suffered from lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, endometriosis, interstitial cystitis and many other life-threatening medical ailments some of which were exacerbated by the pharmaceuticals she was taking for her many conditions. After discovering that cannabis not only treated the pain of her ailments but actually cured them she began juicing raw marijuana (which has NO psychoactive or "high" effect.) Today Kristen enjoys a healthier life and her children the doctors told her she could never have.
Mr. Mayor I know from your war on salt, trans-fats and sugar that you are very concerned with health, what if raw marijuana could increase the health of all Americans? Wouldn't you support that if the science show you the evidence? Your resistance to the research showing clear and present benefits to medical marijuana leave me wondering if your interest in denouncing medical marijuana was to discourage the NYS legislature from passing medical marijuana. (Which by the way the Assembly overwhelmingly passed this week.)
In the film Dr. Robert Melamede calls marijuana prohibition "welfare for law enforcement." Your Honor, I start to get the feeling that is true when you compare that with your statement: "drug dealers have families to feed. If they can't sell marijuana, they'll sell something else. And the something else will be something worse. The push to legalize this is wrongheaded."
Sounds to me like legal marijuana may cut into the revenue generating activities of your NYPD "personal army?" Will the NYPD have one less reason to stop and frisk? Will it drive down the tens of thousands of marijuana arrests every year? Maybe its pressure from the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency are they threatening to cut subsidies of the NYPD if you stop enforcing marijuana laws?
I understand you are concerned with recreational marijuana users having an easier time toking up, your own hypocrisy aside; filmmaker Kevin Booth had this to say in response; "I have been investigating the drug war now for ten years, and it never ceases to amaze me that most people only start to care when something bad happens to them or a family member, and by then its usually too late. Allowing the government to dictate what we can or cannot consume shatters the very basis of what our forefathers fought for. I obviously want people to see this new film, but I also want them to know that this is not about getting stoned. We spent over three years compiling this evidence and have boiled it down to 90 minutes in hopes that the average person can at least understand what's really at stake."
Mr. Mayor I hope you will accept my invitation to view the film American Drug War 2: Cannabis Destiny which can give you insight into the cutting edge of medical marijuana research as well as personal stories of people whose lives have been changed for the better by cannabis.
Danny Panzella
You don't know anything about the War on Drugs until you've seen this documentary!! ADW2 is an eye opening experience that will leave you feeling compelled to do or say something about the madness being created by the War on Drugs. I left the theater with a broken heart after seeing the true victims and hearing the story of sweet little Cash Hyde and his family's brave fight against cancer.
"We the People" in the theater were shouting, crying, laughing, and clapping through the entire film! Thank You Sacred Cow Productions for creating a true living middle finger to those benefiting from this unbelievably long-lasting lie that shapes our society today. I WANT CHANGE... This film is a catalyst!
"We the People" in the theater were shouting, crying, laughing, and clapping through the entire film! Thank You Sacred Cow Productions for creating a true living middle finger to those benefiting from this unbelievably long-lasting lie that shapes our society today. I WANT CHANGE... This film is a catalyst!
- heather-manus
- Jun 10, 2013
- Permalink
With American Drug War 2: Cannabis Destiny, filmmaker Kevin Booth again takes aim at the political machinations between government and commerce. However, this time the message is even more personal.
American Drug War 2's launching pad is the November 2012 elections, a watershed moment in marijuana history. Both Colorado and Washington state voters deemed pot to be legal for recreational usage. Furthermore, more states voted to make weed legal for medical use. However, one state, Montana, elected to rescind its medical marijuana law. How one Northwest state (Washington) could vote to make pot totally legal while another (Montana) pulls back demonstrates a real disconnect in this country.
The film delves into a number of marijuana-related subjects: The medical marijuana movement; the testing of cannabinoids, as cancer-fighting agents,; automated pot dispensing machines; hemp soap makers who have to buy their hemp from Canada because the United States is the one western country that doesn't allow American farmers to grow it. (alas, even China permits it); even a primer about how to grow your own medical marijuana. Booth also takes his cameras across the border to Juarez. Mexico to show how drug cartels bring about many more casualties in the drug war.
Booth makes some of his best points when bringing up the issue of the proliferation of mind- altering and legal drugs produced by the pharmaceutical companies. Why does the federal government continue to hide behind its "protecting the children" mask when it rationalizes keeping pot illegal while allowing a record number of kids be dosed up on much more powerful pharmaceutical drugs ? The answer isn't surprising. The pharmaceutical lobby carries a lot of water. Much more than the marijuana reformers.
Furthermore, the film delves into the use of prescription drugs by foster children who are 13 times more likely to be prescribed mind-altering drugs. Why is that? Money, of course. Booth and his wife, Trae, describe their own personal experience in the foster system when they wanted to become foster parents. The scenes featuring their own foster child are not dogmatic but rather deliver points on a micro and personal level.
ADW2 also follows the story of Cash Hyde, a two-year-old boy from Montana who suffers from a brain tumor. When traditional chemotherapy fails, Cash's father turns to cannabis oil with surprising results. Without giving too much away, the story of Cash is what really gives the film its emotional heft. Indeed, it delivers a message that a hundred talking heads could not do.
Booth presents his argument that marijuana is still illegal because cops want overtime, drug cartels want bigger profits and certain federal enforcement agencies make a lot of money from the drug war. However, Booth doesn't simply push an agenda. He gives time to opposing viewpoints from key people involved in the drug war. Whether Booth is interviewing people who are trying to legalize marijuana for their own business interests or those who want to keep it illegal for primarily the same reason, he keeps the film moving at a good pace.
ADW2 is not easy film to watch at times but these unsettling scenes are what really gives the film its soul. Every war has collateral damage and Booth doesn't pull punches in presenting it here.
You don't have to be a pot smoker (or a former one) to appreciate this film. All you need is a desire to learn how the drug war isn't always in the best interests of the American people.
Will American Drug War 2 lead to real change in public policy? Most likely, it won't. Politicians tend to stay away from independent documentaries, usually because they're too busy with their hands down the pants of lobbyists. However, the film will lead to more discussion about marijuana reform. And that is a good thing.
American Drug War 2's launching pad is the November 2012 elections, a watershed moment in marijuana history. Both Colorado and Washington state voters deemed pot to be legal for recreational usage. Furthermore, more states voted to make weed legal for medical use. However, one state, Montana, elected to rescind its medical marijuana law. How one Northwest state (Washington) could vote to make pot totally legal while another (Montana) pulls back demonstrates a real disconnect in this country.
The film delves into a number of marijuana-related subjects: The medical marijuana movement; the testing of cannabinoids, as cancer-fighting agents,; automated pot dispensing machines; hemp soap makers who have to buy their hemp from Canada because the United States is the one western country that doesn't allow American farmers to grow it. (alas, even China permits it); even a primer about how to grow your own medical marijuana. Booth also takes his cameras across the border to Juarez. Mexico to show how drug cartels bring about many more casualties in the drug war.
Booth makes some of his best points when bringing up the issue of the proliferation of mind- altering and legal drugs produced by the pharmaceutical companies. Why does the federal government continue to hide behind its "protecting the children" mask when it rationalizes keeping pot illegal while allowing a record number of kids be dosed up on much more powerful pharmaceutical drugs ? The answer isn't surprising. The pharmaceutical lobby carries a lot of water. Much more than the marijuana reformers.
Furthermore, the film delves into the use of prescription drugs by foster children who are 13 times more likely to be prescribed mind-altering drugs. Why is that? Money, of course. Booth and his wife, Trae, describe their own personal experience in the foster system when they wanted to become foster parents. The scenes featuring their own foster child are not dogmatic but rather deliver points on a micro and personal level.
ADW2 also follows the story of Cash Hyde, a two-year-old boy from Montana who suffers from a brain tumor. When traditional chemotherapy fails, Cash's father turns to cannabis oil with surprising results. Without giving too much away, the story of Cash is what really gives the film its emotional heft. Indeed, it delivers a message that a hundred talking heads could not do.
Booth presents his argument that marijuana is still illegal because cops want overtime, drug cartels want bigger profits and certain federal enforcement agencies make a lot of money from the drug war. However, Booth doesn't simply push an agenda. He gives time to opposing viewpoints from key people involved in the drug war. Whether Booth is interviewing people who are trying to legalize marijuana for their own business interests or those who want to keep it illegal for primarily the same reason, he keeps the film moving at a good pace.
ADW2 is not easy film to watch at times but these unsettling scenes are what really gives the film its soul. Every war has collateral damage and Booth doesn't pull punches in presenting it here.
You don't have to be a pot smoker (or a former one) to appreciate this film. All you need is a desire to learn how the drug war isn't always in the best interests of the American people.
Will American Drug War 2 lead to real change in public policy? Most likely, it won't. Politicians tend to stay away from independent documentaries, usually because they're too busy with their hands down the pants of lobbyists. However, the film will lead to more discussion about marijuana reform. And that is a good thing.
Kevin Booth's American Drug War 2 is a MUST SEE!!! The considerable time and research Kevin has spent on researching issues relevant to the war on illicit drugs in The United States is apparent in this film just as in his previous releases, American Drug War and How Weed Won The West. American Drug War 2 focuses specifically on medicinal marijuana as Kevin Booth shares not only firsthand experience with the hypocrisy and ill effects of dangerous, legal drugs over prescribed to children in this country every single day, but also the heartfelt story of a young child with a brain tumor whose cancer treatments were impacted in a positive manner through the use of cannabis oil. Booth also interviews leading experts in the medical field who are knowledgeable about the research on marijuana's therapeutic properties and whose perspective reflects improving public health rather than politics. Fantastic, amazing documentary!
Kevin Booth did an amazing job with this film. It is impossible not to fall in LOVE with the families in this film. Be prepared to fall in love and be filled with anger, all in the same film. American Drug War 2 shows the real life results of the Failed drug war. This film can not only help to open your eyes to the corruption and suppression of safe medicine, this film can also SAVE YOUR LIFE! Thank you Kevin Booth for introducing the world to Cash Hyde and the Cash Hyde Foundation. For showing people the works and Miracles shared by Rick Simpson and the PhoenixTears Foundation. To see this information available to the masses is a dream come true for me. Because of Rick Simpson and the information I have gained from him, I was able to save my thyroid and shrink and stabilize some inoperable masses that were restricting my airway and esophagus. I have good heath, all my vital organs, and they all function properly today ONLY because of the information and contacts available in this film! Thank You so much for getting this information to the people who need it the most- The people, the patients. Together we are planting seeds of knowledge, passing on the TRUTH and harvesting COMPASSION <3 OneLove, Lindsay Rogers- Team Cashy Clevealnd
- jondsay214
- Jun 12, 2013
- Permalink
Hands down the most profound and inspiring documentary on Cannabis to date. The Cash Hyde story should be shared around the world. It is Unacceptable that the PTB have been allowed to keep this healing medicine and industrial/environmental powerhouse from the American People for so long. This film contains facts that everyone should be made aware of. "If these farmers knew they were growing the Mother of All Healing plants in their backyards, where would the Rx companies be?" - Rick Simpson.
It is Past time for us to start protecting People and Not Profits. - me
The false and outdated propaganda of old, no longer holds weight or substance when compared to the modern FACTs about Cannabis.
One Love
It is Past time for us to start protecting People and Not Profits. - me
The false and outdated propaganda of old, no longer holds weight or substance when compared to the modern FACTs about Cannabis.
One Love
- christian-maestas
- Jun 10, 2013
- Permalink
To Mr. Rick Simpson,
Firstly I want to thank you for the excellent Cancer cannabis oil miracle cure guide you left in the clinic about finally curing so many cancerous patients of different kind of cancer and other diseases. It's truly something I've never heard about before.
I've followed the exact guidelines you set out for me by Dr. Thomas after ordering the medication via email: ricksimpsoncannabisoil@outlook.com, which enable me to start treatment along. I have been following the guideline on the treatment over the past 3 months and 23 days and Now I have a successfully reduced and eradicated my colon cancer from my life, and immune pulse sensitivity jumped drastically for a perfect health as recommended by Mr. Rick Simpson.
Your Cannabis Oil is the best life's changing medication i have ever seen and all my family and friends which I have recommended to contact you via email: ricksimpsoncannabisoil@outlook.com have testified to this medication and all praises to God Almighty who lead me to the Clinic where I got to know about you from order patients.
This things do works, As I'm A living weakness of this great medication which has saved my life and that of my family and friends after 4 months of treatment.
It's such a relief for me and my family and friends. I can't wait to see what the future brings me.
Please help me share this to the world. Save your love ones by sharing the below email to cancer suffering patients worldwide.
Email: ricksimpsoncannabisoil@outlook.com
Thank you both for this wonderful opportunity.
It a true story God bear me a great weakness that it is a true story.
Gregio Mark Please help stop Hoax from the re-posting of this comment as It a real story please
Firstly I want to thank you for the excellent Cancer cannabis oil miracle cure guide you left in the clinic about finally curing so many cancerous patients of different kind of cancer and other diseases. It's truly something I've never heard about before.
I've followed the exact guidelines you set out for me by Dr. Thomas after ordering the medication via email: ricksimpsoncannabisoil@outlook.com, which enable me to start treatment along. I have been following the guideline on the treatment over the past 3 months and 23 days and Now I have a successfully reduced and eradicated my colon cancer from my life, and immune pulse sensitivity jumped drastically for a perfect health as recommended by Mr. Rick Simpson.
Your Cannabis Oil is the best life's changing medication i have ever seen and all my family and friends which I have recommended to contact you via email: ricksimpsoncannabisoil@outlook.com have testified to this medication and all praises to God Almighty who lead me to the Clinic where I got to know about you from order patients.
This things do works, As I'm A living weakness of this great medication which has saved my life and that of my family and friends after 4 months of treatment.
It's such a relief for me and my family and friends. I can't wait to see what the future brings me.
Please help me share this to the world. Save your love ones by sharing the below email to cancer suffering patients worldwide.
Email: ricksimpsoncannabisoil@outlook.com
Thank you both for this wonderful opportunity.
It a true story God bear me a great weakness that it is a true story.
Gregio Mark Please help stop Hoax from the re-posting of this comment as It a real story please
- gregiomark
- Jan 22, 2015
- Permalink
Kevin Booth is a documentarian of the first order. He wrote, produced and directed this computerized tomography-like examination of the struggle facing those who need the beneficial effects of cannabis. As marijuana now becomes available for medical purposes and the United States are each beginning to follow suit in legalizing the drug this story has particular impact. Booth has dared to explore the advanced research on the beneficial medicinal effects of Cannabis while becoming a foster parent to a 2-year-old boy who after surviving brain surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, lay in a coma not eating for over 40 days. His parents are told to make funeral arrangements. However, his father had read about a version of an ancient drug made from cannabis. Unbeknownst to the hospital staff, the parents start secretly injecting the illegal drug into their dying son's feeding tube and soon a "miracle" takes place. When the doctors are told that cannabis was the cause of the "miracle," they have nothing to say. As Booth states, 'every war has unintended victims and it's the children who are losing America's longest running war. From cartel recruiting grounds of Mexico - to a child being removed from his birth mother for smoking marijuana. The argument is whether withholding the drug is a conspiracy or a simple profit motive that continues to keep marijuana inside the black market. Perhaps it is because of this 2013 film that we are seeing changes happen. If so, Booth has done a great service to the saving of lives of those who may possible benefit solely from the use of cannabis. This is a powerful film, well made, and mind altering.