Fri, Dec 29, 2023
A woman is suing her neighbor for damages to her flamingo lawn ornaments after the neighbors drone crashed into them in her yard. She claims he has been spying on her with his drone and taking videos of her when she is swimming naked in the pool. He claims she stole his drone when it accidentally fell in her yard. He is counter-suing for the cost of the drone.
Sun, Nov 19, 2023
A Retired Pornstar is suing an online dollar twenty-five store for selling him condoms marked as 3XLarge but actual product upon arrival was 3XSmall. Store owner says the product is from China and has an easy to read diagram on the product listing and on the back of the box. She refuses to refund his purchase.
Fri, Dec 1, 2023
A romantic couple is suing an adult store for not refunding their purchase. The adult store refuses to refund or exchange his purchase due to the items looking like they had been used. The courtroom gets abducted by alien aircraft and many of the abductees get probed by aliens which gives the judge enough information about probing to make the right judgment in the case.