The debut feature film by Fernando Coimbra is well developped in the level of perfection, in both the funny and in the terribly harsh moments. The script not only unveils the occurence but also explores well the different versions narrated by the characters, and the traits of each of them. Cinematography and art direction beautifully portray Rio the Janeiro lower class suburbs, a town which is different from the one in touristic post cards. Dialogues are extremely well written, and if someone wants to know what to expect to find in a police station in Rio the Janeiro, the lines perfectly played by Juliano Cazarré are exemplary. Indeed, the film brings a stellar casting which provides top level performances. Leandra Leal is no less than perfect in the leading role, exhibitting her astonishing skills which allow her either have an overhelming presence in the whole scene or be incredibly subtle and realistic. Her sex scenes with Milhem Cortaz are indeed among the most organic and realistic I have ever seen in a film. Besides Leal, Cortaz and Cazarré, the extraordinary casting also included Fabiula Nascimento, Thalita Carauta, and Karine Teles, among others. I will not add any further comment about the story because I think the less spectator knows previously, the more (s)he will enjoy.