The show was originally housed at the historic Pantagleize Theatre in Fort Worth, TX. When the theatre closed in May of 2013, the show was put on indefinite hiatus. When the episodes resumed in April of 2014, the conceit of the show was changed to Nicholas Zebrun broadcasting from his home, using his computer as the way of communication.
Katharine Franco was chosen to be the show's sidekick after she had pitched an idea for a completely unrelated television series to Nicholas Zebrun. Her passion and enthusiasm impressed him.
Unusual for most talk shows, each episode has it's own title.
Executive Producer David Sowden can frequently be heard laughing right off camera, usually at an in-joke between himself and Nicholas Zebrun.
The show's opening theme song was composed by Nicholas Zebrun in 5 minutes off the top of his head. Composer John D. Howard later took his melody and re-orchestrated it with a bigger sound and added more jazz elements.