I really wanted to like this movie, but in the end it seemed rather familiar, a sort of retread of a lot of other things I've seen. And unfortunately, it was fairly boring really. A sort of soap scenario which never really surprises. Also despite it's rating, it was extremely unsexy, except for a few brief moments of Sean Keenan without his shirt. This was almost false-flagging, with an MA15 rating and nothing really to see from an eye candy perspective, although Sean is nothing if not pretty. Even the sex, the little there was of it, was curiously stilted and inhibited. For the budget, though, this was a reasonable effort, with solid if not outstanding performances. Unfortunately it seems Australian movies are no longer willing to take risks, even in low budget indie flicks, and the results are just, meh. Don't get me wrong, this is fairly competent, but I was hoping for something more interesting, and definitely sexier.