Lost a Girl (2015) is a UK movie that I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline follows a young lady who moves to the city for a new job. She is excited for her job but it doesn't feel like her coworkers are big fans of her. Things start happening around her and she thinks her coworkers are messing with her since they're the only ones who know her in the city...could she be wrong?
This movie is written and directed by Nicholas Winter (Breathe) and stars Nina Hatchwell (The Devil You Know), Paul Marlon (Renegades), Millie Midwinter-Lean (Panic Button) and Adele Pearson (Undercover Hooligan).
The storyline for this is mediocre to bad and the black web concepts weren't as intense as the director may have hoped. The circumstances weren't overly interesting. The acting and dialogue was also average and this had a "made for TV" feel to it. There weren't enough kills but I did like the killer reveal at the end. The problem is there was only 11 minutes left when the killer emerges with his cool costume. The lighting and smoke used for his emergence was great; but unfortunately, the final kill was disappointing.
Overall, there are no redeeming aspects of this movie that make it worth your time. I would score this a 2/10 and recommend skipping it.