1 review
I have just viewed Edward v111 the lion king. Even though this was filmed in the early decades of the 20th century, I was absolutely shocked at the cruelty of the "Tourists", I have not stopped crying since the killing of the charging Rhino and the look of fear and bewilderment of her calf. I was hoping that the narrator would inform the viewer about what actually happened to the calf. The king must have known that he was getting too close to the Rhino and her calf. Did the king and his sycophants just continue taking photos and then ending the day by drinking their Champagne, in other words just getting on with the holiday. Or did he do the right thing by getting it to a safe environment. I cannot get my head around the idea that the Royal family are wild life champions, but at the same time enjoy the blood of animals on their hands.Hypocritical to say the least.Can't fathom it out. I have certainly not changed my mind about Royalty and their abuse of wild life. Correct me if I'm wrong but was Harry and William not involved in Canned hunting, this was not published too much, in fear of bad press. Harry's girlfriend at the time belonged to a family that made a mint from canned hunting. The director/producer/ narrator left the viewer with a few questions. The king putting down his gun on Safari was a start. But I'm afraid it has not changed the hearts of his descendants.
- annemerson-698-124618
- May 28, 2013
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