- ReelViews [James Berardinelli]
- The Village Voice [Alan Scherstuhl]
- Baret News Wire [Kam Williams]
- Battleship Pretension [David Bax]
- Battleship Pretension [Sarah Brinks]
- Beboti [Kenny Howell]
- Chicago Tribune [Michael Phillips]
- Cinema Viewfinder [Tony Dayoub]
- CompuServe [Harvey Karten]
- DVD Talk [Oktay Ege Kozak]
- EFilmCritic [Jay Seaver]
- Entertainment Weekly [Chris Nashawaty]
- Film-Foward [Nora Lee Mandel]
- Highway 81 Revisited [Greg Popil]
- HollywoodChicago.com [Nick Allen]
- Huffington Post [Dan Persons]
- Los Angeles Times [Inkoo Kang]
- New City Film [Ray Pride]
- New York Magazine [David Edelstein]
- NPR.org [Trey Graham]
- NY Daily News [Elizabeth Weitzman]
- Paste Magazine [Jonah Flicker]
- Philadelphia Magazine [Carrie Rickey]
- Pop Matters [Cynthia Fuchs]
- Preview This! [Mike McKinney]
- Reel News Daily [Jeremy Harmon]
- Row Three [Marina Antunes]
- Screenpicks [Samantha Wilson]
- Spirituality & Practice [Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat]
- StageBuddy [John Runde]
- The A.V. Club [A.A. Dowd]
- The Aisle Seat [Mike McGranaghan]
- The Artswire [Liz Whittemore]
- The Hollywood Reporter [Frank Scheck]
- The Nation [Stuart Klawans]
- Variety [Ronnie Scheib]
- WhoDoes Blog [Chris B.]
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