I don't make it a habit of trotting out my credentials, but here goes. I have three degrees in biology, including a PhD. I've conducted research at the highest levels of my field. I have published in high-falutin peer-reviewed journals. Go ahead and Google me if you don't want to take my word for it.
I say this because what I am about to say may come across as naïve hyperbole, rather than what it really is: a considered, well-informed opinion. This documentary represents not only the future of creation science research, but of scientific research in general. An audacious statement, but I can back it up.
In the first film, Is Genesis History?, we were given an overview of the various disciplines of creation science through interviews with leading researchers in these fields. In this sequel, we are provided an intimate, in-depth look at what real "boots on the ground" creation research looks like in the field and laboratory.
By following the collaborative efforts of several working creation scientists testing a novel flood-inspired hypothesis with far reaching implications, the audience is given a master class on the scientific method in action.
You want testable hypotheses based on Biblical historical data validated by innovative creation research, complete with all the proper sample controls and microscopic data you can handle? You've got it. Want to see seasoned geologists think outside the stale, outdated materialistic paradigms holding back the modern scientific establishment from making truly breakthrough discoveries? Check. Want to see powerful confirming evidence that the catastrophic flood model could revolutionize our understanding of earth's history? Done.
I know, I know, the haters will still find fault. Let them. Pick up Snelling and Whitmore's scientific papers and dissect away. They are there waiting for you when you finish your scoffing.
The fact is, creationists are doing science. They are subjecting their ideas to falsification based on real facts "out there" rather than merely pointing to cuddly images of a "bathtub ark" in a Precious Moments Bible. Forget all that kitsch. What these scientists are documenting is real and cannot be so easily dismissed.
In fact, this film gives us a glimpse into where mature "science," that is, knowledge, is heading after a several-centuries-long adolescent pipe dream of explaining everything around us without recourse to the divine. What fool's errand that has turned out to be.
Make no mistake about it: The "God hypothesis" is back folks. And we're just getting started. This movie will show you why. It will show you the future.
"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea." - Habakkuk 2:14.