Robert Van Gulik first translated historical records about a righteous magistrate in T'ang China, surname Dee, then wrote more than a dozen excellent fictional mysteries featuring Dee Ren Jie, that were set specifically in the time of notorious Empress Wu Tzu Tian. As someone who studied Chinese History, the stories were wonderfully detailed about daily life, government administration and common superstitions of the time. And the mysteries were unique. (Dee is often described in the West as China's Sherlock Holmes. Deduction plays a big part of Dee's method, too.)
This current iteration of Judge or Detective Dee for TV has excellent storylines from these novels, outstanding production value, and stars one of the best actors in China today imo, Zhou Yi Wei. His performance is simply mesmerizing. He is quiet, watchful and still, but when roused, he explodes with frustration at the failures of government to fulfill its obligations to provide justice. There is wushu fighting and some flying to rooftops but for the most part the action is reality based.
Unlike the novels, Dee's loyal retainers are a former soldier and a reformed female thief. Their abilities and friends in low places assist Dee investigate murders in spite of local official corruption. And the thief is an abrasive presence to add zest.
Another recent set of movies about Detective Dee star Andy Lau and are fun to watch despite a lot of so-so CGI. But for me, Zhou Yi Wei is Judge Dee.