In the heart of a peculiar Halloween party, skateboarding enthusiast Shawn Taker is thrust into a nightmarish reality. As the evening unfolds, he discovers that some wounds run too deep to m... Read allIn the heart of a peculiar Halloween party, skateboarding enthusiast Shawn Taker is thrust into a nightmarish reality. As the evening unfolds, he discovers that some wounds run too deep to mend, and redemption demands a perilous darkslide. "Delamination" is a psychological horror... Read allIn the heart of a peculiar Halloween party, skateboarding enthusiast Shawn Taker is thrust into a nightmarish reality. As the evening unfolds, he discovers that some wounds run too deep to mend, and redemption demands a perilous darkslide. "Delamination" is a psychological horror film that unravels the thin veil between the living and the supernatural. Through bone-ch... Read all