After the successful owner of the Silent Movie Theater is brutally shot dead in his own lobby, the LAPD relies on good fortune, a popular TV show, and its extensive network of informants to unearth a murderous plot.
Detectives launch a desperate search for a psychopathic killer when a well-liked model, actress, and former L.A. Raiderette cheerleader disappears in broad daylight after leaving her Hermosa Beach home.
As they work to uncover the terrible murder of a talented UCLA student found killed in a train tunnel with a dubious reputation, detectives are drawn into a world of occult worship and shady individuals.
For 23 years, the tragic murder of a newlywed couple in Van Nuys remains unsolved. Only until investigators driven by justice revisit the grisly evidence, including a bite mark on the victim's arm, do they find the most improbable suspect.
After a man mysteriously dies in his doctor's office, a routine call from a life insurance company plunges investigators into a twisted world of mystery, money and murder where they must unravel a complex web of lies and false identities.
When a well-liked Hollywood cameraman is brutally murdered in his home, detectives trace a tangled web of lies that leads them to yet another body and a killer who will do anything to realize the California dream.
When a recently engaged Manhattan Beach police officer is gunned down during a routine traffic stop, detectives rely on the eyewitness account of a traumatized young boy to track down a cold-blooded killer.
When a popular restaurateur disappears, investigators must rely on a patchwork of witnesses and a local journalist to uncover treacherous secrets - all of which leads them to a grisly killer with an unappetizing MO.
A young woman with film industry dreams disappears after leaving her home for a movie audition, leaving detectives to navigate Hollywood's murky underbelly in search of a treacherous serial predator.
While investigating the murder of a mild-mannered retired teacher found bludgeoned to death in the bathtub of his Hollywood home, detectives discover a cache of secret letters that could spell out a deadly motive and lead them to a monster.