13 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 70The Hollywood ReporterJustin LoweThe Hollywood ReporterJustin LoweSolid performances from the small cast and robust visuals will be clear selling points with audiences seeking the raw excitement of an elemental survival film.
- 70The DissolveCharles BramescoThe DissolveCharles Bramesco[A] solid, well-executed testament to the horrors of the great outdoors.
- 70SalonAndrew O'HehirSalonAndrew O'HehirAnother way of reading a movie like this is that it channels our ancient hatred of nature while recognizing that it’s essentially nostalgic, and that the occasional hungry ursine cannot compete with the animal we really have reason to fear.
- 70New York Magazine (Vulture)Bilge EbiriNew York Magazine (Vulture)Bilge EbiriWhile there is some gore late in the film, what makes Backcountry special is the care and patience it invests in its characters and the quiet, haunting tension of its story line.
- 67The A.V. ClubThe A.V. ClubWithout effective characterization to drive the moments in between, the spectacle of humans painfully, extensively, gratuitously suffering for their arrogance is more sadistic than thrilling.
- 63Slant MagazineChuck BowenSlant MagazineChuck BowenAfter a surprising development, the film grows slack and sentimental, reverting to the survival-movie platitude about hardship making you a better human.
- 63RogerEbert.comGlenn KennyRogerEbert.comGlenn KennyIt’s all pretty effective but in the end, somehow empty. Not to make an unfair comparison to a classic, but the movie “Deliverance” actually followed through on all of the themes that its storyline suggested, while in Backcountry, we end up with a storyline in which all but the most elemental stuff winds up as window dressing.
- 60New York Daily NewsJoe NeumaierNew York Daily NewsJoe NeumaierJust when you thought it was safe to stand up to a bear in the woods, this jarring indie horror drama will make you scurry back indoors.
- 50Village VoiceNick SchagerVillage VoiceNick SchagerWriter-director Adam MacDonald's direction creates an ominous sense of rural-nowhere isolation, and his script avoids contrived banter while shrewdly suggesting it's headed toward horror before unexpectedly veering into survival-story territory. Nonetheless, such misdirection can't compensate for hopelessly routine action.
- 50The New York TimesManohla DargisThe New York TimesManohla DargisMr. MacDonald’s ability to notch up dread moment by moment — with a rustle of leaves, the snap of a twig — is all the more impressive given that it takes a while to warm up to the two souls he cuts loose in those woods.