I have no idea where this show will go on from here, don't see how the storyline hasn't been milked in one episode but i'm open to be surprised. Where that i do love storyline above the rest of the content, the sheer recklessness it's willing to show and cause, i believe the animators folly know what they are doing. Throwing away the plane rudeness most show try to cover up with an unguided story arch, this show confronts you with what we most like in adult cartoons. Uncensored craziness and mind-blowing creativity. Leaving dignity and respect for anything in this world behind, Mr pickles has the potential to become something memorable in the adult cartoon industry. I can't speak for the episodes to come, but the pilot is certainly a must watch if you like something that deviates from the norm. it's rude, gory and has no self-control...i love it.