During her daily afternoon talk show radio broadcast, a controversial right-wing journalist and opinion host Cate Orlando-Hope is asked by a caller to opine about the suspect Muslim honor killing of a young girl, wherein the fiancé and the Father of the girl - school teacher, Asif Aziz - have been accused of murdering her. It is a ubiquitous subject that has commanded the front page of every newspaper. Cate surmises, that if found guilty that both of them should hang, and should form a debate to bring back capital punishment. And that even if the Father is found innocent, he should still be punished for allowing his daughter to regale in the company of her would-be murderer. But when Asif is found innocent of his daughter's murder, Cate Orlando-Hope's words come back to haunt her, when two years later, Asif is sitting in her living room uninvited and tells Cate that he has kidnapped her daughter Rhianna and that he intends to kill her. But what does Asif want in return for Rhiana's life.
—Kammy Darweish