Really the headline can describe Tomoko as a whole, she seems like a nice character I'd appreciate since I like a lot of cute and silly characters, though this show suffers from a lot of tropes anime commonly suffers from. I really want to like this show and several others like it, but it has a lot of unneeded pervertedness, several uses of the R word slur, and some odd content hinting at incest between Tomoko and her younger brother, all which is off-putting to me. If these weren't in the story I'd probably appreciate the show much more, even I could understand the pervertedness aspect of it if Tomoko wasn't literally 15 years old.
This show is very silly however, it has a good amount of enjoyable aspects to it and Tomoko has good character traits that make me enjoy her character design as the loser girlfailure she is. As much as I'd like to say Tomoko is one of my MANY favorite characters across media, the odd anime details I mentioned above keep me from doing so or recommending this show at all, stuff like this makes me embarrassed of shows by association, therefore I can't say I'm a fan of Watamote, I just wish Tomoko was in a better show, had changed aspects of her character design, etc.
I don't much recommend watching this unless you're like me and saw Tomoko, thought "Oh this character is cute, I want to watch the media she's from" and then can also bare the unneeded pervertedness and odd content featured in it. Otherwise I'd say don't touch this one unfortunately.
Thank you for reading.