Actor Ryan Lee Kennedy (John) and Director Dillon Garland have worked together before. Once on a web series title 24 Frames Later and again on a short film titled "Touch Of Fear". However, this is the first time Dillon has directed Ryan, as one 24 Frames Later his character was killed off before the episode Dillon directed, and for "Touch Of Fear" Dillon was the cinematographer.
Carley Brannen, who plays the lead character of Chloe in the film, is the younger sister of the Director, Dillon Garland.
Director Dillon Garland originally wanted Cody Brown to audition for the role of Dean, however Cody asked to audition for the role of Alan instead. Dillon agreed, and eventually chose Cody to take the role of Alan.
Actor Ryan Lee Kennedy (John) and Director Dillon Garland have worked together before. Once on a web series titled 24 Frames Later and again on a short film titled "Touch Of Fear". However, this is the first time Dillon has directed Ryan, as on 24 Frames Later his character was killed off before the episode that Dillon directed, and for "Touch Of Fear" Dillon was the cinematographer.
A huge fan of The Legend of Zelda series, Director Dillon Garland included references to the videos games in "Ageless". Chloe's last name, Pierre, is a reference to a scarecrow from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask video game. Pierre is a minor character that brings you forward in time. Secondly, the first time Chloe is seen in person, she is asleep and wakes up after hearing a bird overhead. It is common in The Legend of Zelda games that the introduction to Link (the protagonist) is him waking up. Finally, the main character of Chloe does not speak (aside from narration). In the Legend of Zelda series, Link (the protagonist), doesn't speak. This is too connect the audience with the character.