A tragic story of a young bride who has been suffering from the cruelty of her husband and the daily abuse of her mother-in-law. The movie showcases the aspect of a loving family and the struggles of a mistreated wife.
Written and directed by Rahul Nath, Khazana offers a thriller drama filled with love, horror and mystery. The movie displays various attributes of mankind, as to how much can a person endure or act cruelly in their life.
The movie is divided into three layers, the first part identifies the main characters role and its importance in the storyline. While the second stage features a tragic and sad aspect of life. The ending part of this drama thriller is a bit tricky as it very quickly turns into a horrifying scenario.
Khazana, the movie has a great storyline and well-developed characters, as the story revolves around the young bride. The film also goes deep into the mind of a powerful villain and into the subconscious of the sad, weak hero of the story.
It is a splendid movie with a balance screen time for every character in the film. With great dialogues and a well-structured script, Khazana is a good quality family film which will truly leave you at a shock.