Embark on an enchanting adventure with Bart, Gum Gum, Kyborg, and Mudd as they compete to see who among them will become the next intern to the world's greatest heroes, The Infinights.
Deep in the heart of Castle Catawampus Bart, Gum Gum, Kyborg, and Mudd find themselves in the clutches of chaos. Will the interns be able to escape this crucible of cruelty?
The Orphans have revolted and now it's up to Bart, Gum Gum, Kyborg, and Mudd to restore order. Will our interns find peace or will the whole thing blow up in their faces?
As flying monkeys wreak havoc on Boulderay, there's only one team of heroes capable of restoring order - the Everguards. Will Bart, Gum Gum, Kyborg and Mudd cooperate with these new heroes or is it time for the Everguards to go?
After Gum Gum drinks a Potion of Intelligence, he instantly becomes a genius, the effects seemingly permanent. But when a powerful dragon attacks the city, will he be able to come up with a solution in time to save his friends?
The Interns learn that one of the Infinights is being held captive in Feroz. Can the team come up with a plan to save the Infinights or will the Interns need saving themselves?