"The Thirteenth" is a movie about a young man who comes to a small Island in Greece in order to find out the truth about his heritage and his long, lost family. It's a story of hope, horror, and change. "The Thirteenth" is somewhere in the middle between a hard-horror film and one of underground cult classics.
In its nature, the film is not complex: it has a cast of about four main actors, a simple arc for the viewer to follow, good cinematographic choices and exquisite score. It is an experience like no other: original and unforgettable, yet somewhere close to home. It is a movie that has this effect on an audience that is very relatable. You watch "The Thirteenth" and you can feel the strong influences from modern classics, such as "The Conjuring" or "Insidious", but it is also reminiscent of oldies – "The Exorcist" or even the all-time classic, "Psycho". It is an excellent blend of the horror genre, spiritualism and questions of morality.
The one major setback 'The Thirteenth' has is the performance of its lead actor, Kurtis Stacey. While the young actor definitely tries his best to encapsulate the complicated character of Christopher, he has yet much to learn. Most memorable performance comes from Richard Symms who plays Frank. Other performances also fail to dazzle the screen, with occasional small talent, coming out of the young actors. They definitely have room to grow, but they all seem to appreciate the art.
The one thing that is definitely to be praised in "The Thirteenth" is directing. Chris Hastings evidently has an eye for his shots and a sense of pace that is unlike any other. His approach is unique and very fresh. It was a nice watch.
Overall, "The Thirteenth" it's definitely a great story with good directing and cinematography, some not-too-bad performances and an excellent score.
Rimute Terra Budreviciute/Cult Critic/CICFF