I am a huge Gundam fan, so it's sad to see how bad this one is, but again it's Netflix so wasn't expect much.
The CGI is really bad, like we had better CGI movies 5 or 7 years ago, this looks more like cut scenes from a PS3 game. It's not helped along by the bad lipsync or that it was made with English mouth movement in mind instead of Japanese, as only a tourist would choose the English option.
It's also got all the modern DEI thinks to check of, which is something you will notice really fast, and given it's something that means lower quality in the story and work in generel I would say they don't break that mold here. They even use the classic "touch girl" hair style we are seeing every time now, so when ever people I know and myself sees the half bold haircut we tend to write the show of then and there as they all go the same way anyway.
The sounds the Zaku used seems off when you are used to them sounding in pretty unique way. I don't know why they changed it here.
The ending is... well it's bad, I don't know why they don't focus test their shows, or at least hire fans to make them. We have seen with One Piece that it can be done, if they listen to the creator and have fans working on it without change everything to please the modern none existing audience.
I can't really give it more than 2 stars, as I see many trying to pump up the scor, and because it's not really that good even if you could look past the nightmare inducing CGI.