The game tells the story of the struggle between humanity and an alien race that once lived in complete harmony. The alliance between aliens and humans breaks down and then the bald tough guy steps in and fights alone against a huge army of enemies. The story is simple and straightforward. The developers focused primarily on a dynamic presentation of action in a futuristic atmosphere.
The gameplay consists of intense gunfights against a large number of aliens. In this respect, the game is similar to Bulletstorm or Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, with a scoring system that rewards players for headshots, such as taking out an entire group of enemies in a single explosion caused by blowing up an explosive container.
But Alien Rage doesn't exactly have a character development system. Over the course of more than 14 overarching missions, you'll battle against dozens of enemy types, from simple enemies that prefer to shoot at you from behind cover, to opponents that can disappear like hunters, to bosses that can be a real pain in the ass.
You have an arsenal of weapons to effectively take out the aliens, both basic equipment like a futuristic pistol or a fully automatic weapon, and more advanced weapons like the alien rifle. There are also some "weapons of mass destruction" such as rocket launchers and even environmental elements, such as exploding containers, which often save you from serious trouble.
The game uses Unreal Engine 3, so the graphics don't look bad. The game features detailed explosions and various character models. Even though all the places visited look similar, the atmosphere, which is a bit reminiscent of other sci-fi games, especially Quake 4, makes up for it. The sounds are equally good, with the soundtrack matching the fast and dynamic gameplay. Alien Rage offers an average of 9 hours of gameplay.