Don't start watching this series before sleep, because your blood pressure will shoot through the roof due to incredibly dumb characters.
Each of their actions is counter-intuitive and annoying as hell. The series drags on as non-interesting love/family drama with some mental health issues.
Special effects of tsunami and volcano are good, but their on-screen time is too short to make a difference or give you enough satisfaction after such an annoying family drama.
The problem is that you will want to binge it, in anticipation of a bloody tsunami, to get some satisfaction in the end.. so if you are going to watch it, start during the day. If you start in the evening, you will get pissed and disturb your sleep.
That said, I really hope Netflix continues doing apocalyptic/disaster pieces.. as there has been a lack of them in the past few years. But don't do it as series, with stupid drama fillers to drag it on! Just make a movie.
If this was a movie, it would have been much better.