Sentinel Six from the semi-planet Junctionarian tells us of his mission to help others to make bad decisions. Thank you to our guest Shad Kunkle for playing.
Frisk is from the planet Ohweeoh where they walk backwards to go forward so they can see where they've been. Thank you to our guest Landon Lee Kirksey for playing.
Bounty hunter Bart Haaahm from the LT Galaxy stops by in the midst of his ongoing pursuit of Carnies from the planet Carn. Thank you to our guest Jay Sukow for playing.
We meet Oshkosh, his son Begosh, and their ancestors who all share the same body, as is the way on their home planet of Cardigan. Thank you to our guest Adrian Hanson for playing.
Audromitron, "Audro", Parsley takes a break from her vacation to charm and fluster your ignoble hosts with details of her home planet of Heptra where life is based in co-centric circles. Thank you to our guest Kate Duffy for playing.
From the soul ooze of the Collective Hive Mind planet comes a lonely floating grey skull named Dan who wants make friends. Thank you to our guest Jack Peeples for playing.
"George Washington" tells us of his home world, Cosplaytorium, where they base their entire culture on a different theme every month. Thank you to our guest Jonathan Pitts for playing.
Borazon Blokz tells us about his very serious home world of Partee II and his efforts to prevent it from succumbing to the same fate as Partee I. Thank you to our guest Dave Hill for playing.
She's a lizard lady from The Basket Of Imperium and when she's not ceremoniously tearing men apart who accidentally happen upon her planet, she's travelling the universe trying to "borrow" their DNA to further her species.
We spend time with Glorpston "Glorpston" Glorpston, a noted writer of notes and dedicated Frogball fan from the planet Shumptau. Thank you to our guest Andy St. Clair for playing.
Zinn Skenektikus Gardeen The 3000th comes from the universe that will arise after our universe. It turns out that we're a pretty big deal there. Thank you to our guest Jim Karwisch for playing.