We really enjoyed another movie from the same team at a film fest years ago so we decided to check this out when we received an email they had a new film out. Basically, like another reviewer said, it's like Signs meets Psycho with a twist. If you go into this expecting a big budget Hollywood movie, you'll probably be disappointed as this is more like The Seventh Seal in that the dialouge and character building have priority. I would say the film is more for people that are highly educated and can catch the references to other films, especially older ones. If you didn't go to college and study philosophy, or don't know who Jean-Paul Sartre is, you'd probably want to skip this movie just like the existentialist film creatives other films Scent, Eaters of the Dead, SARS-29 and Journey to the End of the Night, which are probably a bit too intellectual for casual viewers and will be more than they can chew and handle if they are expecting non-stop action and mindless entertainment. But if you like movies that make you think, and will stick with you days afterward, especially with the ending, then it's worth checking out.