Special Will
A heartwarming story of the unlikely friendship between a cranky terminally ill Vietnam Veteran named Ray (Dennis Gilson) and a 10 year old kid with Down Syndrome named Will (Ethan Bichara).... Read allA heartwarming story of the unlikely friendship between a cranky terminally ill Vietnam Veteran named Ray (Dennis Gilson) and a 10 year old kid with Down Syndrome named Will (Ethan Bichara). When Will gets suspended for getting in a fight at school, his mother, Celeste (Chelsea G... Read allA heartwarming story of the unlikely friendship between a cranky terminally ill Vietnam Veteran named Ray (Dennis Gilson) and a 10 year old kid with Down Syndrome named Will (Ethan Bichara). When Will gets suspended for getting in a fight at school, his mother, Celeste (Chelsea Gilson) has no other choice than to bring her son to work with her for the day. As Ray's ho... Read all