I went into The Mouse Trap with the lowest of expectations and still managed to be disappointed. Even with its short runtime, it drags. I tried my hardest to pay attention to the dialogue scenes, which is most of the movie, but I couldn't. I did laugh at parts because the script and acting were terrible throughout the whole film. It's insane that there's no drop of blood in a slasher film until over halfway through. Like over half of this thing, it's just Mickey standing and staring. It's almost like the director just like the iconic shots of killers like Ghostface, Jason, etc., and forcefully tried to give the killer these campy moments. Also, I can't begin to grasp the decisions that were made with this killer's voice or even having him speak in the first place. It felt like a caricature of Ghostface and even Jigsaw except less scary. It has so many missed opportunities. There are so many set pieces that could've been fun, but they were squandered. Even the kills are lame. It's such an atrocious film. Also, who was the goth girl, and how did she know everything? There was no reason to hop back and forth between this girl for the whole film just for her to be insignificant to the story. Another thing is that this has nothing to do with to do with the Disney IP. It's a shameless cash grab taking advantage of the public domain. Oh, we're getting a sequel to? Great...