Toei testing with children in the target demographic which fruit is their favorite, and it was revealed that Orange
was their favorite. And so it became main character Gaim base form.
The producer was suggested to do bugs as a theme in this show, but this was rejected by Bandai who opted to do with fruits, nuts and soda. This isn't uncommon for a toy line distributor like Bandai to have a big hand in developing the shows every year.
In addition to Gen Urobuchi serving as head writer, several of his coworkers from the company nitro+ were involved in the production of the season. Although Gaim-related material does not officially bear the company's name, nitro+ has acknowledged it as one of their coproductions in events such as convention panels.
While the Gaim Riders' motif is fruit, it is not the first series to have a Rider with a fruit motif. The first one is Kamen Rider Den-O, with the peach-themed Sword Form.
This series is the first Heisei entry to not strictly follow the two-episode story arc structure that has been a staple of the Kamen Rider franchise since at least Kuuga.