32 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 95NPRBob MondelloNPRBob MondelloAs with Six by Sondheim, Tim's Vermeer works at capturing on film how artists work their miracles. And it will have you, long after the credits fade, puzzling out questions of invention, creativity, science, talent, painstaking craft, and the magic that comes of putting all that together.
- 91Christian Science MonitorPeter RainerChristian Science MonitorPeter RainerWhat Tim’s Vermeer is really about is two geniuses, of very different sorts, communing across time and space.
- 90VarietyPeter DebrugeVarietyPeter DebrugeThe result is just about the most fun you can have while learning, partly because it strips away any tangents beyond the task at hand, offering a lean, 80-minute account of how this crazy guy erected his own Everest and then proceeded to climb it.
- 88Film.comWilliam GossFilm.comWilliam GossTeller manages a careful enough balance between painstaking technique and a larger cultural context over 80 brisk minutes to make even minor revelations feel like major moments.
- 80The Hollywood ReporterTodd McCarthyThe Hollywood ReporterTodd McCarthyThe connection between art and technology is explored in an entertaining and accessible way in Tim's Vermeer, a documentary that demonstrates how a savvy and dedicated amateur with sufficient resources was able to create a remarkable likeness of a great 17th century painting.
- 67The A.V. ClubBen KenigsbergThe A.V. ClubBen KenigsbergThis is all fascinating for art-history buffs, and while a documentary is the ideal vehicle for illustrating Jenison’s process, Tim’s Vermeer plays more like an extended PBS special than it does a movie.
- 60Time OutEric HynesTime OutEric HynesThe film ultimately plays less like an experiment than a demonstration of a tinkerer’s ingenuity. Tim’s finished Vermeer may resemble the real thing, but Tim’s Vermeer never tackles the true mystery of why the latter is actually incomparable.
- 60New York Daily NewsJoe NeumaierNew York Daily NewsJoe NeumaierThe result is cool and semi-comical, but also serious.
- 50Village VoiceStephanie ZacharekVillage VoiceStephanie ZacharekPenn and Teller are bright guys, and their act can be fun in small doses. Yet Tim's Vermeer accentuates one of their worst impulses: They think they're mischievously raining on our parades when, really, they're not telling us much at all.