I can't describe it any better really. It's just really strange.
I've seen these actors in other movies and I actually quite like them but there is no chemistry here. So that part of the romance movie gets scratched.
The story is imaginative, which I don't mind, but it doesn't work. I don't actually know why, I've seen this concept of someone seeing a ghost who acts as a life coach before but it doesn't work in this movie. It's distracting in a way. This is one of those concepts that you either leave untouched or you pull it off, otherwise it just makes the whole movie weird.
I feel like the relationship development between the two leads is lacking. For whatever reason, it felt dry. I didn't get the impression that they actually grew closer together on a personal level. They just "ran into each other" a bunch of times and started to be nice and civil towards each other. This makes the ending awkward. We all know how these movies end, it's a requirement for the genre, and therefore, the romantic storyline that came before has to at least work a little bit in terms of romance. They missed that boat with this movie because the romantic relationship between the leads is so dry.
In short, it's rare for me to say to skip a hallmark movie but this one is definitely not worth your time.