So it's an interesting concept. An attorney is seeing a client inside a Mexican prison with both fictional cartels inside in separate units.
It's a high-risk prison and it sets the tone for the problems and esculating violence which encapsulates the attorney and changes him forever.
The acting is solid. It's great direction and screenplay and better than most of these genre films. It's well-acted and the rituals are actually inline with modern cartels so the director and research team have clearly done their due deligence.
It's well-made and has lots of twists and turns and whilst it is quite fanciful in areas it is not too unbelievable as riots do happen and it's hard to maintain order in these environments when the police force has a limited budget.
You can sense that they were under budget when recording this but did a fine job. I love the props. The guy wondering around with a homemade flamethrower prop is genius but again how would that have got into a prison? Some of it didn't add-up and was obviously played for TV but it was executed well.
I also like how the attorney went through his journey and it shows that not all good guys are cops and in prison people just do what they do to survive. It's tough out there. Educate yourself by watching this great drama. 8/10. 6 parts on Netflix.