One of Harley's balls on the end of her jester hat is cut off during a fight with batman, but a few minutes later it's somehow back on her hat.
Deadshot keeps having a different beard between scenes. For example, when they drop out of the plane, he is full bearded and 1 minute later in the sewer he has his Zorro look.
How is Batman able to use Black Spiders Voice??? There is no indication that he has any voice training and he clearly doesn't use a voice enhancer. This is not explained and is just left unexplained.
Why are there only Arkham Guards guarding a maximum security prison with lots of meta humans??? Not only is this very stupid but is common throughout a lot of the DC films, and it makes little sense that other meta humans aren't the guards, guarding some of the most dangerous criminals and Metahumans in that universe. It makes little sense.
Why Amanda make the Suicide Squad go after the cane and not put something fake in it??? She clearly wants Killer Frost to kill the Riddler and she nearly succeeded, and would have had Riddler not bargained his way out. So, wouldn't Amanda have just put something in there to draw the suicide squads attention??? This just doesn't make sense.
Deadshot is seen using a laser pointer at the end of his gun, and it's implied that he kills Amanda. Yet, this defeats the entire propose of being a sniper, you're supposed to be stealthy, and a laser pointer would give away your position, and could get you caught. Deadshot is one of the best assassin's in the DC Universe, and would not make this mistake.
Why don't a number of the Arkham Guards and Staff recognize the members of the Suicide Squad??? It's possible that the likes of Black Spider and Killer Frost may not be as recognizable, but Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, and the others should have been recognized easily. There costumes don't disguise anything, and the guards and staff would have been familiar with them because of television and other types of media. This makes no sense.