A lovely relaxing platformer, with great atmosphere, art direction and high production values. Even though some textures and animations are a bit basic, this game looks absolutely amazing - a real triumph of the Unreal Engine 3. I like how it felt innocent and uncluttered compared to mainstream titles. It does get a bit darker towards the end though, which I felt a bit mixed about. Still, this is a nice break after playing lots of FPS games. The puzzles are easy, but they are still nice and not too repetitive. If you want intense gameplay, you wont find it here. While a controller is ideal, I played on a keyboard without much trouble (minus a small problem with a lift mechanism at the start). Do not avoid this game because some people say keyboard controls are bad, you would be missing out on so much. Yes, it is a bit short, and you can see it was made on a budget, but it is a masterpiece all the same. Even if you usually only play mainstream shooter games, you should take a break and play this.