This film begins in 1986 with a sorority known as Delta Pi having their usual initiation before the new school season begins. Ignoring the fact that a serial killer is reported to be on the loose, the sisters of Delta Pi decide to have their annual bonfire outside and use this opportunity to play a prank on one particular student named "Marissa Chambers" (Olivia Blake). Unfortunately, something goes wrong, and Marissa is left horribly burned in the process. Meanwhile, the serial killer is also quite busy with several murders back on campus. The scene then shifts to the present day with one particular college student named "Diana Parker" (Kristin Avery) seeking to pledge to the Delta Pi sorority. Since her mother "Donna Parker" (Andrea Alfonso) was a former member 27 years earlier, this makes it easier for her to join. However, what Diana doesn't know is that her mother was there when Marissa was injured and, upon seeking to join the sorority, the killings start happening all over again. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was clearly a low-budget production and it suffered from the usual limitations as a result. The acting was generally weak, and the special effects could have used some improvement as well. Likewise, some of the camera angles weren't that good either. In short, this was a cheap slasher film which could have been better with sufficient financing. However, since that clearly wasn't the case, I have to rate this movie accordingly. Below average.