Nanoshark is the end result of what happens when a "film maker" gives up. This entire movie is made with an absolutely defeatist attitude, as Brett Kelly has decided to accept the fact he will never make a real movie, and is content with shoving out garbage that not even your son will enjoy. Nanoshark is a void of negative film making, it is the prime example of what not to do when making a shark movie.
Seems after Sharknado, a lot of people have taken to the idea that all shark movies must be jokes. Here, Brett Kelly is trying to be funny, but is more interested in dragging out jokes that offer absolutely no payoff because by the time you get to the so-called payoff, you're exhausted and out of any positive energy. Even if you're drunk or high, you will not laugh at anything in this movie.
What's more important is that Brett Kelly is trying to make an effects driven movie in the equivalent of a corporate office he rented for a month to use as dressing for a hospital. More importantly, Brett Kelly also demonstrates what he's best known for in the realm of film making. Padding out scenes to fill the runtime because all he ever does is make movies on a basic outline. It's like Scott Shaw's zen film making approach, but without the zen.
Brett Kelly is an absolute disappointment to himself. What seemed like a career that was going upward, he just gave up and decided to go downhill to the point he refuses to do better. Nanoshark is Brett Kelly hitting an absolute low, and he knows he's better than this.