WHAT THE HELL did I just watch? Oh right, hentai. Got it. I guess it could of been.... worse?....My first time viewing this type of anime and I can say, firsthand, it's EXTREMELY graphic (no s##t) and really seemed keen on turning the viewer 'on' instead of telling a real story. Surprisingly fair character development but I mean, most people watching this type of anime probably isn't watching for the story... if you get my drift. Personally, I appreciate good anime when I see it but I can definitely say I WAS NOT a fan of this. This could of been far worse but I'd just stay clear from this unless you're a weeb or a just a plain pervert cuz it's grotesque. My excuse? AH YOu CAUGHT ME. No, I'm trying to broaden my horizons on anime as I haven't seen many compared to most of my friends so this was just more experimentation than anything. I had NO IDEA this was a hentai before I started watching. I just thought it was one of those romance OVA's .I guess I wasn't entirely wrong *facepalm* Anyways, yet again, an anime that has left a bad taste in my mouth(no pun intended) I need someone familiar with anime to recommend me some cause obviously I subconsciously choose the obscure and niche everytime and only end up with disappointing anime either geared toward lonely men or fangirls.