This is a very strange movie. It's essentially a low-budget 1960s beach picture, but with a completely nude cast.
Yes, completely nude. Every inch of every actor in this movie is on full display for almost the entire running time. But it's done in a strangely innocent way. No one makes comments or leers, the nudity is just kind of present. Naked strangers casually meet and chat in a completely non-sexual manner, and at some point you kind of get desensitized to it all.
The naked people vary from attractive models (most of the women) to old, chubby dudes (actual nudists?)
The movie itself is shot almost entirely on green screen. It's like 300, but if they had no money or visual style. The camera is basically completely locked down, and the compositing is about the worst you've ever seen. The "beach" backgrounds often look like old PC screensavers. Your local TV weather broadcast looks better than this.
Interestingly, it seems that a lot of the people were photographed separately and then edited together. Makes for very awkward dialogue scenes, with long pauses and actors looking in the wrong direction.
So, is this some kind of pro-nudist, body positivity movie? Not really.
The actual "plot" is that the titular mutants live on this beach (thanks to pollution or something), and they like to bite people on the ass. When you get bitten, you start having hallucinations, and there's also a crazy witch lady screaming incantations into the sky...
Strange stuff. Some basic sci-fi/horror elements and gags. What little blood and gore there is comes off very tame due to the amateur production. The "mutants" look like rejects from an episode of Gumby, they have a very "claymation" quality to them. No one is going to scared during this movie.
Strangest of all, they tried to pad out the wide shots of the "beach" with completely CGI people in the background. But these aren't particularly good graphics, it looks like the people from a Barbie video game that came out 20 years ago.
All that said...this movie has something going for it. It's so strange and aloof that it almost transcends the low budget. I am still thinking about it a day later. For $5, this will be one I plan to revisit in the future.
I'd love to see some behind the scenes stuff in this one, just to find out what the hell they were thinking!
All in all, it's a strange, kind of fun 90 minutes with a ton of full frontal nudity. I can see this being a hit in college dorms if nothing else, it lends itself to drinking games and the like.