Directed by Bayu Skak, "Five Friends" (originally titled "Sekawan Limo") brings a fresh twist to the horror-comedy scene, highlighting Indonesia's distinctive storytelling style. One review even dubbed it: A Climbing Comedy Horror with Heartwarming Surprises. I have to say, this film does a great job of blending humour and horror, making for an enjoyable watch, though it might not have you on the edge of your seat. It's really aimed at the local crowd, while the rest of the world seems to lean more towards the desensitized versions of horror. This film doesn't dive into that territory at all. The story follows a group of five pals who head out for a weekend mountain hike, only to get caught up in some supernatural shenanigans.
"Sekawan Limo" translates to "four out of five" in Javanese. It's a fresh creation from YouTuber Bayu Skak, who directed this nearly two-hour comedy horror with most of the dialogue in Javanese. Thankfully, there were subtitles in theaters, so anyone who speaks Bahasa Indonesian could follow along without a hitch. The cast delivered solid performances, though nothing too remarkable.
"Five Friends" also touches on themes like friendship, loyalty, and confronting fears, which adds a nice depth to the otherwise light story. The ending wraps things up nicely, leaving viewers both entertained and toa degree, thoughtful.
The non-linear storytelling in "Sekawan Limo" makes for a fun, easygoing film. Humour is subjective, but I found plenty of moments-especially those featuring Juna-to be quite amusing. That said, the podcast scenes didn't hit the mark for me in terms of laughs. Overall, I'd still call it a positive experience.