Roger Jackson credited as playing...
Ichabod Crane
- Bloody Mary: Hi, whatchya got there? Look, it's recently come under our attention that your... How should I put this... attempting to claim what is the personal property of the Crooked Man. He's about yea high, a hundred and twenty odd pounds... Pissed his sheets until he was fourteen... Sound familiar?
- Ichabod Crane: I haven't told them anything!
- Bloody Mary: Not now, not now, shhhh, the grown ups are talking. Guys?
- Sheriff 'Bigby' Wolf: What do you want?
- Bloody Mary: That sack of flower, Crane dear, it's crane
- Ichabod Crane: It wasn't my fault!
- [Got punched by Snow White]
- Snow White: Shut. Up. You're interfering with official Fabletown business. Step aside.
- Bloody Mary: Tweedle Dee, What's the. Uh, y'know, the thing the Mundies call me?
- Dee: Wh - What?
- Bloody Mary: My nickname. You know what I'm talking about.
- Dee: Uh... Bloody Ma -
- [Mary interrupted him]
- Bloody Mary: Bloody Mary, that's it, thank you. And do you know why they call me that? Because some of them, they think it's funny to have their little sleepovers and go into their little bathrooms and say my name five times in the mirror. They find it less funny when I actually show up and feed their lungs to the family dog.
- [bark's cutely]
- Bloody Mary: And I do that for a hobby. Like golf, to relax. This is my job, I like my job. So think about what I'm gonna to do to you, your girl, and the rest of your friends if you don't hand over the SOCKPUPPET NOW!
- Sheriff 'Bigby' Wolf: This was really the WRONG DAY TO TRY AND PULL THIS SHIT!
- Dee: I told you he'd never just give him up.
- [Bloody Mary looks at him and scares him]
- Bloody Mary: Fuck it.
- Snow White: [after Bigby being shot 7 times] Bigby?
- [Bigby's eyes are red and the pupil are getting very small, then he stands up angry and fight back cruelly and furiously]