Natasa Barbara Gracner credited as playing...
- Robert: [subtitled version] In her essay, Mojca clearly wrote...
- Zdenka: [subtitled version] Essay, Robert? What essay? Your class hates you! You said you had sorted it out.
- Robert: [subtitled version] They rebelled because...
- Zdenka: [subtitled version] ... because they saw how you were tormenting Sabina, and then to cap it all you told them "Leben geht weiter".
- Robert: [subtitled version] Das Leben geht weiter.
- Zdenka: [subtitled version] Whatever.
- Robert: [subtitled version] And because everyone else danced around them and treated them with kid gloves, they take every well-intentioned word as a cruel attack on their personal freedom.
- Zdenka: [subtitled version] Welcome to the twenty-first century! They used to fear us, now we fear them. That's how it is.
- Zdenka: [subtitled version] Look, your teaching methods are entirely your own affair as long as they don't put the school in a bad light. This business has gone too far. We're on the verge of a disaster. If the class keeps its revolt going long enough, in the end no teaching method will work.
- Robert: [subtitled version] Being a student isn't a right, it's a duty. As far as I'm concerned, the whole class can hit the streets now. Secondary school is not an obligation but a privilege.
- Zdenka: [subtitled version] Great. So you'll tell the journalists that when they call and ask why I expelled a whole class!
- Zdenka: [subtitled version] In your place I would think about how to educate them into people, and not about journalists.
- Zdenka: [subtitled version] If you keep up your stubborn insistence and arrogance, you'll have plenty of other things to think about. But if you let me run things the way we always have, then you and I can sort this out differently. The way we do things at this school. Differently.