Andi Oliver travels to the north east of England, to the fishing town of Bridlington, where she uncovers its best-kept secret - it's the lobster capital of Europe.
Andi Oliver's in the home of the UK ceramics, Stoke-on-Trent, where she meets Anna and Rebecca, two artists who run a community project in a deprived neighbourhood who are looking to breathe new creative life into the city.
Andi Oliver's in Folkestone to help local singer-songwriter Sophia Stutchberry stage a spectacular festival at the old Victorian bandstand to celebrate the town's unsung musical heritage and rich cultural diversity.
Former Mr Gay Wales Paul calls on Andi to help make Merthyr Tydfil's first pride a roaring success. Can Andi bring more joy to this momentous event by creating a flamboyant feast?
Andi's in Burnley supersizing a cricket match between members of local mosques and clergy. Will her bid to create the ultimate cricket tea and add razzmatazz to the event be stumped by a storm?
In her old neighbourhood of Notting Hill, Andi revisits her past with daughter Miquita to make her most fabulous feast yet, celebrating the incredible work of the community.