This is just another one of those boring documentaries that's more akin to that situation where someone is in need of some cash, and is ALSO DESPERATE for fame and attention, but yet cannot seem to really get traction and a foothold in today's plethora of Social Media Influencers (and even not amongst just "general, everyday Social Media Users"), so they decide to try their hand at making a documentary about something they, from their own, first person, subjective opinion and/or point of view and/or standpoint, deem and view as "significant" or "interesting," in their lives in an attempt to gain that fame, fortune, attention, traction, and foothold that they are so desperately seeking, and what they end up producing is basically akin to an overly produced home movie. After listening to the lead "stars"/couple, Eddie & Emma, ramble on and on, about nothing really, the documentary completely lost my interest only 8 minutes in. Begrudgingly forcing myself to try to finish watching it and forcing myself to somewhat pay attention to it, the end of the documentary was finally upon me, and I was able to officially, formally validate that in addition to this documentary being amateurish, rambling, boring, and an extremely desperate & very thirsty attempt at grabbing fame and fortune for Eddie & Emma, it was completely pointless and baseless...nothing more than incessant rambling on and on.