I have spent the past 13 years in various roles in a car dealership. I love that this film didn't villify the people just because it was a car dealership movie. There are all kinds of people that work for a store and this does a great job of showing that. The salespeople who live paycheck to paycheck. The salespeople who are super competitive. A person who would say or do anything to make a sale happen. The eager new guy ready and excited that the sky is the limit for his new career. Then of course the high strung management under the gun to reach a goal at the end of the month.
Character deveolopment was a little thin, but the movie made great use of the time it did spend showing how life in a car dealership affects life outside of work as well. The acting was good, the continuity was a bit off, and the writing was inspired. I've watched it 3 times and love it each time.
Patrick J Adams deserves a bigger part of Hollywood. Hopefully since he is leaving Suits we will see him partake in a few large roles.