This is trash tv. This grown woman with a baby voice is everywhere. There is no escape! A grown woman who was a 23year old when she orchestrated the murder of her sick mother by the hands of an autistic mentally disabled young man. Why is she getting a platform? She is not a good person. I don't want my kids watching this train wreck & I am not alone. So many good deserving people to give a platform too why her? This is now her second reality show. It's not interesting. She is a liar and does not deserve this type of adoration. I am very disappointed with Lifetime. She is already causing drama online. My kids are asking questions as she is all over YouTube, TickTock, etc has a book deal and now a second tv series. I thought she had no life before prison? I have watched 2 documentaries on this woman and an HBO mini series with all the same information how much more content can this woman have. What is happening to the world and teaching our younger generation that it's ok to do what she did as she only spent 8years behind bars. It's not ok to kill your mother especially a mum who was sick at the time of death. There are innocent people serving life sentences please please no more of this grifter. She cannot even keep her lies straight.