Set directly after the events of Severus Snape and the Marauders. Lily Evans finds herself surrounded by broken, bleeding friends. Severus Snape finds himself facing the most powerful dark wizard alive.
Arthur Weasley plays a morning game of chess with a new character. Peter Pettigrew laments the night before with his mother. Severus Snape has his first meeting with the Death Eaters.
Snape finds an opportunity to gain a place of power in the Death Eaters, much to Lucius Malfoy's dismay. Lily helps saves lives, no matter who it may be. Peter comes across a downtrodden Sirius. Remus finds a new home.
Snape finds himself at odds with Malfoy with influence of the Death Eaters. Sirius tries to recruit James to find Remus. Luthor and Snape head to the London Museum of Natural History.
James wanders the halls of Hogwarts after retrieving a personal item. Sirius and Peter try to convince Remus to return, only to be interrupted by an attack on Godrics Hollow.
Alastor Moody introduces James Potter and friends to The Order of the Phoenix. Sirius Black tries to reunite The Marauders for a noble cause. James tries to make amends with Lily.