How Disney Built America is a series about how Walt Disney and his company had impacted America. It's a good series but no way what we have in all 6 episodes is everything. Obviously there's way more to Walt's life that impacted modern society and Disney continued to impact the world even after Walt's death, like the reign of Bob Iger and him acquiring other companies (Pixar, Marvel Studios, Fox, and Lucasfilm). Best if we have future seasons showing more of how Disney's later films impacted the film industry even after Walt's death (with that, referring to Disney the company not Disney the person. For that, the title is How Disney Built America not How Walt Disney Built America). With that, episodes could discuss the different eras. The golden era, wartime era, silver era, bronze era, dark ages, the renaissance, experimental era, and the revival era (though it could be argued we're in a new one now with the setbacks of disney in more recent years). Each era could impact the company in their own way and even the world as well. The acquisitions Disney made also impacted the world in one way or another. Best if we see future episodes of the series detailing that.