Jasmine Nights
The story revolves around Kareem, a businessman who runs the company of his wife's wife, Alia, who lives a stable life. When he meets a girl named Yasmin, she dreams of being a big movie sta... Read allThe story revolves around Kareem, a businessman who runs the company of his wife's wife, Alia, who lives a stable life. When he meets a girl named Yasmin, she dreams of being a big movie star. When Yasmin discovers that he is not He decides to get married to him, so he decides to... Read allThe story revolves around Kareem, a businessman who runs the company of his wife's wife, Alia, who lives a stable life. When he meets a girl named Yasmin, she dreams of being a big movie star. When Yasmin discovers that he is not He decides to get married to him, so he decides to marry him (Yasmin), the wife knows the adventure of her husband, so he decides to beat hi... Read all