In the film "Hard Sell", a high schooler is struggling with money. He helps out a stripper which eventually leads to them starting an almost borderline prostitution service for his fellow schoolmates.
The premise alone gives the impression that this film could have deep and interesting characters that the viewer wants to root for, but unfortunately, it doesn't reach that far. Watching the film, it seems that the writers just piled various life problems onto their characters, in hoping that we will feel sorry for them and connect with them, but it doesn't happen. The character of Hardy has many life problems: lack of money, mother with mental challenges and a dog that needs a $10,000 surgery. Yet under all that baggage, Hardy came across as an unlikeable asshole, and same goes for the stripper, Bo. The only time any character came across as likable is when two characters who have never danced before attempt to dance at a party.
This film is not bad, but is in no way a must see Indie.