Ed Euromaus and Edda Euromausi, the main characters of "Grand Prix of Europe," have been the beloved mascots of Germany's Europa-Park for decades. In celebration of the park's 50th anniversary in 2025, they make their big-screen debut in this 90-minute animated film. Produced by MACK Magic in collaboration with Warner Bros. Discovery, the movie follows Edda's dream of becoming a race car driver and her encounter with her idol, racer Ed, as they work together to save her father's struggling business. This milestone marks the evolution of Ed and Edda from park mascots to international film stars.
In 2025, Europa-Park will unveil "Grand Prix Edventure," an interactive 3D dark ride inspired by the feature film "Grand Prix of Europe." This innovative attraction, located in the Luxembourg themed area, allows guests to join Ed and Edda's racing crew on a thrilling journey across Europe, featuring iconic cities and breathtaking film locations. Utilizing MACK Rides' Gameplay Theater technology, the ride combines state-of-the-art multimedia integration with a lovingly themed design, immersing visitors in the cinematic world of Ed and Edda.