In one scene, Major Egan speaks of enjoying the fear of flying combat missions. That includes the fear and danger of making a landing on the pitching deck of an aircraft carrier at night. However, Major Egan is in the Air Force and they do not land on aircraft carriers; only Navy or Marine aviators do. Also, the plane Major Egan flies, the F-16 Fighting Falcon, does not land on aircraft carriers in any case.
At the end of the movie, Suarez says "I turned in my wings" (resigned from the Air Force) and therefore the regulations barring fraternization between officers and enlisted no longer apply to her and Egan. Enlisted personnel do not have the privilege of resigning from the United States armed forces. Officers do, in certain circumstances. Enlisted personnel can choose not to re-enlist when their current enlistment ends, but they can't just quit.
At the funeral of the Taliban commander, the men are aligned in a L-shape. In islam they should stand behind the imam, funeral in front all of them, and all face Mecca.
Egan says he took his wife up in his F-16 on their first date. F-16s are single seaters. Actually there are some two-seaters (general officers have to fly with another pilot), but civilians very rarely get a flight in an F-16. Usually congressman, VIPs, special press, but NEVER girlfriends or spouses.
At the end of the movie when Airman 1st Class Suarez is in her Air Force blues uniform. Among others she is wearing an Air Force Good Conduct ribbon only awarded to enlisted members at three year miles stones. However enlisted Air Force personnel are promoted to the next rank of Senior Airman at their three year point showing she would have not been entitled to the Good Conduct Medal at her current rank.
When Ethan Hawke leaves Creech AFB, he makes a right turn (Northwest) towards Las Vegas. In fact if you are leaving Creech AFB you should turn left (Southeast).
The Air Combat Command patch worn on the flightsuits is not correct. The actual patch has the blue field on top and the red field on the bottom. Also, the sword on the actual patch is pointed downward.
When preparing for a strike on an Al-Qaeda target in Yemen, crew member Suarez asks, "Since when are we at war with Yemen?" The answer given by her superiors at CIA HQ is that "we are dealing with sub-state actors". This is an existing term, but it's not used in reference to terrorist groups. Those are non-state actors and an agent giving the orders from Langley would not confuse these terms.